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Adopting a brother or sister

A guide for young children

Auteur Argent Hedi
Categorie anderstalig
Uitgeverij BAAF
Isbn 9781907585005
Jaartal 2010

What will their parents expect of them once an adoption has taken place? Will their parents still love them? How will they fit in after a new brother or sister has joined the family? These and other concerns surrounding adoption of a sibling are covered in this practical booklet for children and young people. It follows the story of a nine-year-old girl whose family adopt a little boy and will allow the child reading the guide to explore their own thoughts and feelings about adoption and what it will mean for them. This interactive guide explains why their parents may be considering adoption as a way to build their family and how they will do this. It also provides explanations of the meanings of some new words that the children and young people may need to know.

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