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Intercountry adoption

Developments, trends and perspectives

Dit boek is niet beschikbaar op dit moment.

Auteur Selman Peter
Categorie anderstalig
Uitgeverij BAAF
Isbn 9781873868843
Jaartal 2000

Intercountry adoption - a topic that has pulled at heart strings, gripped media attention, provoked strong debate, presented complex dilemmas and above all, changed lives.

This unique anthology provides a detailed insight into many aspects of intercountry adoption.  Through international and personal perspectives, it details the history and development of intercountry adoption; the outcomes; the situation in the UK; and the experiences of 'receiving' and 'sending' countries as well as those directly involved.

This is the first time that such a diverse range of information, opinion and perspectives has been brought together in one volume to map the issues involved.  The anthology provides insights as well as possible lessons to be learned and will appeal to a wide readership.  For those involved in developing services in the UK, it will provide useful recommendations in developing good practice.  For those considering adopting from abroad, it will offer much food for thought.  And for those with a wide-ranging interest in this global phenomenon it will inform of trends, developments and current thinking.