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Searching for a past

The adopted adult's unique process of finding identity

Auteur Schooler Jayne
Categorie anderstalig
Uitgeverij Pinon Press
Isbn 978 0891098683
Jaartal 1995

The movement of adopted adults to search for their birth families is strong and growing in the United Stated today. If you're an adult who was adopted as a child and are now cosidering searching for our birth family, Searching for a past will help prepare you emotionally and psychologically both for your search and dof rwhat you find. Drawing from the experiences of dozens of aduly adoptees, adoptive parnets, and birth parents, Searching for a past will show you how adoption has affected persons, what motivated them to search for a birth family connection, what they found, and how they handled their discovery. You'll aslwo learn about: - the importance of joining a search support group

- how to prepare for the impact of the search on your birth family, your adopted family, and your own family

-special consideations for teenage or mid-life searchers

-what to do when your birth parents don't want to be found

-how to incorporate birth family members into your life


A throrough and helpful guide for any adopted adult, Searching for a past is also an essential resource for adoptive parents, spouses of adoptees, adoption counselors and agencies, ministers and care-group leaders, and anyone desiring a better understanding of the search and reunion experience.

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