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Adopted children speaking

Auteur Thomas Caroline
Categorie anderstalig
Uitgeverij BAAF
Isbn 9781873868782
Jaartal 1999

If you really want to learn about children's wishes and feelings about adoption and their experience of it, this unique book is for you.

Adopted Children Speaking is part of a wider research project published under the title Supporting Adoption: Reframing the Approach which throws light on aspects of policy and practice concerning the support available to older children and their adoptive families. This book gives voice to the invaluable perspective of the children themselves.

Adopted Children Speaking is full of moving and poignant testimonies and, above all, revealing insights into what children and young people themselves think and understand about adoption, the support they received, their involvement in the process and any unmet needs. There are powerful messages here for social work practitioners and those making decisions for children.

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