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Adoptee Trauma

A counseling guide for adoptees

Auteur Calini Heather
Categorie anderstalig
Uitgeverij Eigen beheer
Isbn 0969629516
Jaartal 1993

It is now believed, in recent years, the initial separation of the adoptee and birth mother at birth often causes a long-lasting effect.  This separation often leaves adoptees with a hair-trigger reaction to abandonment and loss, to which they react throughout their lifetime, whether realized or not.  Through all this, they are often stuck in one of the seven grieving stages on a subconscious level.

"Adoptee Trauma" was written as a guide to help adoptees through this grieving process, and to help them prepare for a possible reunion with the birth mother, if this is what is desired.  The book is set up as a workbook, with exercises provided to help in this process.

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