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Adoption in worldwide perspective

A review of programs, policies ans legislation in 14 countries

Auteur Hoksbergen René
Categorie anderstalig
Uitgeverij Swets North America Inc
Isbn 9026507380
Jaartal 1986

The starting point, that a child is sometimes brought up by others instead of its own parents, is as old as humanity.  It is in the nature of life that parents may die prematurely, that they cannot or will not look after their child, and that they may, temporarily or permanently, deliberately transfer their child to others.
Adoption is now an international phenomenon.  Domestic adoption has become common in all countries.  There are strong movements to encourage incountry or domestic adoption.  This has created a well identified need to put together data on plans, policies and procedures regarding incountry as well as intercountry adoption as a method of child welfare strategy.  Adoption has also promoted mutual relationships, understanding, and communality of purpose regarding child welfare between countries.
Domestic adoption and intercountry adoption are events which deeply affect the lives of many people.  A closer examination of the consequences therefore is not only a matter of course but a must.  In this book,  present day practices in fourteen countries are reviewed.

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