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Attaching in adoption

Practical tools for today's parents

Auteur Gray Deborah
Categorie anderstalig
Uitgeverij Perspective Press
Isbn 9780944934296
Jaartal 2002

All parents deserve positive, proactive, and state-of-the-art knowledge about their children.  This is all the more imperative when children have been adopted after challenges.  Parents want practival guidance during their child's formative years.  No parent wants to face a tragic outcome later!
This book provides adoptive parents with specific information that applies to children like theirs.  It matches children's emotional needs and stages with parenting strategies designed to enhance their children's happiness and emotional health.  The stages have been adapted for parents whose children might be emotional toddlers at age six.  This book gives parents techniques and informations so they can provide their children with a home life designed to bring out the best in every family member.  Methods to improve attachment, respect, cooperation, trust and caring in the family are constant themes in the book.

Topics including:

  • trauma,
  • grief,
  • attachment disorder,
  • emotional age vs chronological age,
  • cultural change,
  • race,
  • prenatal exposure to alcohol and drugs,
  • getting diagnoses,
  • identifying their family's challenges,
  • meeting challenges within the family,
  • forming a circle of support for the family,
  • interviewing and working with mental health providers.

are discussed in a manner that helps parents to evaluate where their child is in emotional development, what are special family challenges, and how best to meet those challenges.  Complicated situations, regularly faced by today's adoptive parents, are treated as the rule in this book.  Ways to parent effectively and kindly are described in detail so that parents have the assurance of working preventatively.
Attachment therapist Deborah Gray's Attaching in Adoption provides sound theory, research outcomes, sensitive encouragement, calming support, and practical tools for families and those who work with them, using vignettes and anecdotes to demonstrate how suggested techniques can work to effect positive change.
Here is a book destined to become a 21st century classic in the field of adoption and fostering.

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