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Being adopted

The lifelong search for self

Auteur Brodsinsky David
Categorie anderstalig
Isbn 9780385414265
Jaartal 1993

How does it feel to be adopted?  Do you feel differently about it when you're forty years old than you do when you're thirteen?  As recently as a generation ago, being adopted seemed no different from being born into the family that raised you.  Now, however, studies show that being adopted can affect many aspects of adoptees'lives, from relationships with adoptive parents to bonds with their own children.
Being Adopted uses the voices of adoptees themselves to trace how adoption is experienced over a lifetime, and their reflections are moving, keenly self-aware, and very personal.  Replete with vital and astute analysis by the authors- who have a joint total of more than fifty-five years' experience in clinical and research work with adoptees and their families - this book offers a place to turn for thousands of adoptees who, at one time or another, have questioned the validity of their feelings but have had no one to compare their experiences with.

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