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Big steps for little people

Parenting your adopted child

Auteur Foster Celia
Categorie anderstalig
Uitgeverij Jessica Kingsley Publishers
Isbn 9781843106203
Jaartal 2008

'This book is full of the techniques that we have used successfully over the years. Many we have adapted to suit their needs and many we have made up ourselves. What we have become particularly good at is not giving up!' A mother of two adopted children, Celia Foster wrote Big Steps for Little People as a personal 'insider's guide' to parenting adopted children. Drawing on the hard-won wisdom gained in her own family life, the book offers a thoughtful account of life with adopted children and examines the issues that many adoptive families encounter, including the development of children with attachment problems and how to tackle behavioural difficulties. It combines real-life anecdotes with suggestions and strategies that other parents can put to use. This book will be a great comfort and help to all adoptive families and offers insights for the professionals who work with them.

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