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Making good assessments

a practical resource guide

Auteur BAAF
Categorie anderstalig
Uitgeverij British agencies for adoption & fostering
Isbn 187386874X
Jaartal 1999

There is currently a wide range of children who require new permanent familie: many of them have had troubled and problematic backgrounds and their needs are complex. Preparing and assessing potential adopters and foster carers is key to a successful placement. However there is a notable lack of comprehensive materials for family placement workers to use to develop high standards of assessment, thus enabling successful outcomes.  

This practical resource guide has been prepared to help adotion agencies and local authoriy family-finding services develop their own assessment programmes.  It will help to provide knowledge and understanidng to underpin assessments, be able to be used felxibly within group settings, individual or family discussion; fit with current thinking and philosophy but allow scope for development: and provide a broad -based foundation that van be built upon for ongoing work.

The major themes, which are presented as six modules, include:

-Understanding attachment, loss and trauma
- Developing identity, self-image and self-esteem
-Considering contact and children's needs
-Understanding the motivation to parent and expectations of children
-Enabling survival, building resilience and seeking and using support
-Understanding behaviour and postieive parenting

Each module provides a broad introduction to the subject, presents a range of imaginative exercises to be used with applicants and children and points to further reading and resources.The guide also contains useful case scenarios that can be referred to as well as articles from agency workers about their own practice and experience.

This is an invaluable guide for adoption and fostering workers, panel members, decision makers and those charged with the task of making successful placements of children.

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