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Making sense of parenthood

On ambivalence and resourcefulness

Auteur Dr. K.L.H. Weille
Categorie anderstalig
Uitgeverij WP
Isbn 9789088501906
Jaartal 2011

In the last decades, numerous methods have emerged for training parents in rearing children.  Yet, there is a blind spot in our understanding of parenthood as a phenomenon in its own right.  Most thinking about parents, whether in scientific, policy, or popular domains, focuses on the effects of parenting on children, rather than on the nature of parental experience.  Professional education is no exception: new graduates enter clinical and pedagogical disciplines inadequately prepared for the complexities and pitfalls of professional contact with parents.

This inaugural address considers parenthood in terms of ambivalence and resourcefulness.  Oscillating between confidence and despair, love and hate, and stumbling through the vast array of adversities that tumble uninvited into every family, it is striking and worthy of deeper investigation that most parents manage to withstand these inner and outer assaults.  By more deeply considering what is to be a parent and what is required of parents to raise a child, policy makers, practitioners and educators alike can develop more effective practices and better policies.

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