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Preparing to adopt

A training pack for preparation groups - Trainers DVD

Auteur Hutchinson Barbara
Categorie DVD
Uitgeverij BAAF
Jaartal 2002

Preparing to Adopt is a well-established and highly respected training programme that agencies can use to offer relevant, high quality and comprehensive preparation for people who wish to adopt. This new edition has been revised in the light of a major programme of adoption reform in England, following concerns about delay and consequent changes in the adoption process.

Preparing to Adopt provides agencies with an agreed common curriculum for preparation courses in a format that will allow applicants and agency staff to make practical use of the learning to underpin the assessment. It also enables prospective adopters to have sufficient information to consider what adoption entails for them and for a child; gain an understanding of the needs of children awaiting adoption; learn how they could meet a child’s needs; and decide whether adoption is right for them.

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